With Paypal solution, you set up direct deposit without wasting time!
How to proceed?
Check rentals or pitches availabilities for the period of your stay
Connect to the Paypal booking solution by clicking on Book here, You will be redirected to a secure external page.
Select the value of the deposit closer to 30% of the total value of your stay and that’s it! Booking will be registered immediately after payment of the deposit (in case of error or no vacancies, do not panic, you will be fully refunded!). In “Let a message” thank you specify:
The type of mobile home you want (Ibiza, Oregon …) or pitch
The Day of arrival
The duration of your stay
Number of people (depending on the Mobil Home: between 2 and 6 people maximum
Complete and sign the contract below and return it to us as soon as possible
Booking form for mobil home ou Booking form for campsite plot
Will be allowed the number of tenants named on the booking (including at least one major). See detailed regulation. HERE.
Be careful with bank charges for non-French checks. Contact your bank before.
Thank you send us a check payable to the Camping Saint Meen at:
Camping Saint Méen
Avenue du port - Chemin des montilles
34350 Vendres Plage
If cancellation occurs within 30 days before arrival, the insurance will be effective only if payment was full.